
Athon Day

Date: 25 May 2018
Venue: NIL, South Australia

Athon Day is a significant event for our College community. On this day we recognise the importance of Mission, Service and Justice through our support of worthwhile causes and charities. This is done through fundraising and involvement in a range of activities which strengthen community, develop camaraderie and raise awareness of those less fortunate.

In the morning there will be an Opening Ceremony and this will be followed by the ‘Athons’ (the Athons are the fun activities chosen by a student, eg walk, sport, hobby or activity).  Later in the day, there will be student-driven entertainment for the whole student body in our school gymnasium.

Students are allowed to wear causal clothes on this day and there will be an early dismissal at 2:30pm. The Willunga Bus Charter is aware of this and will cater for this early dismissal. 

Parent/Caregiver Letter and Donation Form