Faith and Spirituality

Faith and Spirituality

Faith and spirituality are essential to the life of the College.

Religious education endeavours to make clear the values which are found in the school environment and in all the activities of the school.

We do that by:

  • Providing opportunities for experiencing and expressing faith within the College and wider community
  • Imparting a systematic knowledge of the person and teachings of Jesus Christ
  • Assisting in the full personal growth of students
  • Helping students understand the meaning of Church and the Catholic tradition while developing a sense of belonging
  • Nurturing Christian morality in decision-making
  • Encouraging students to give witness to their faith in the service of others
  • Encouraging an understanding of the philosophy of Joseph Cardijn in his approach to youth and, in particular, his methodology related to his rationale of 'SEE, JUDGE AND ACT'.

At every year level students are involved in weekly Religious Education lessons. Students in all year levels also take part in the College Liturgy Program where we gather to celebrate the presence of Jesus in our lives.

Students in all year levels will be expected to take part in a retreat varying from one day (Years 7 to 11) to three days (Year 12).

All students engage in activities that show solidarity for people in need. The College has a significant Social Justice Group: YP4 Hope. This group aims to involve themselves in taking action for social change.

Furthermore, the College has a strong link to the Noarlunga/Seaford Parish through our YCS Coordinator. In this way we connect students to the youth programs of the Parish and the Sacramental Programs.

Contact our Mission Engagement Officers: Tahlia Sully, Aden Croser

Contact our APRIM: Judith Botha