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Frequently Asked Questions

With dedicated staff, we ensure that every student receives the attention and resources they need to thrive. Our strong sense of community and commitment to holistic education prepare students to become compassionate, confident, and engaged members of society.

Does every student have the opportunity to attend Cardijn?

Catholic schools in South Australia welcome all Catholic families, as well as families from other churches and faith traditions, and non-religious backgrounds who are prepared to value and respect the ethos, values, liturgical and sacramental practices and traditions of the Catholic Church within the context of Cardijn College.

For more information on the enrolment criteria, please view the Enrolment Policy.

What are your intake years?

Cardijn accepts students at all year levels where places are available. From 2019, Year 7 became the first intake into secondary school in Catholic Education SA replacing the Year 8 intake as the major entry year at Cardijn.

Are places available now?

For the latest information on the availability of places at Cardijn, please contact the Registrar on (08) 8392 9449 or email [email protected].

Cardijn is a large secondary school – will my child get lost?

Care of students is a top priority at Cardijn. The College is divided into eight separate houses for pastoral care; each house is managed by two house leaders. Homerooms are vertically grouped, meaning that each homeroom consists of students in Years 7, 8 & 9 in the middle school or Years 10, 11 & 12 in the senior years, still as part of the same House. This allows for peer mentoring from our older students, increased leadership opportunities and for each student to remain with the same homeroom teacher for a 3-year period.

In the Middle School, class teachers work with specialist teachers, counsellors and parents to ensure each student is known and cared for.  All students have access to a wide support network which includes house staff, special education staff, youth engagement staff and counsellors, who work together to ensure each student develops confidence, self-esteem and a sense of belonging.

What programs do you offer for talented students?

Cardijn fosters curriculum extension at all year levels which is coordinated by a teacher. Extensive assessment of students in Years 8 and 10 will support teachers in the identification and support of students who are gifted and talented. A Board of Studies convenes each term to examine student progress.

Do you have boarding facilities?

No boarding facilities are available for students.

What languages do you offer?

Italian is offered from Year 7 through to Year 12 and Indonesian is currently offered at Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Language is compulsory at Years 7, 8 and 9 where students must choose between studying either Italian or Indonesian.

What sports do you offer?

Cardijn offers a special interest program in sport commencing at Year 8. This enables students who would like to develop specialist skills in sport to concentrate on this area as a major curriculum focus. In addition Cardijn offers many sports through its co-curricular program. This includes house competitions which are conducted at lunchtimes and inter-school sport which is conducted during school time in a range of sports and after school sport, which is played on week nights or Saturday mornings. Cardijn has been a focus school in the areas of Soccer, Basketball, Netball and Football.

What music opportunities are available?

Music is an integral part of the curriculum at Years 7-12 and all students have the opportunity to participate in performance groups including choirs, stage bands and instrumental groups. Individual tuition in a wide range of instruments and voice is also available at the College.

Do you have a private bus service?

Cardijn is located very close to the Noarlunga Bus and Train interchange and public transport from all suburbs in the Southern Vales link to this interchange. Regular services allow for easy public transport and access to Cardijn College. In addition, Cardijn provides private buses which service the areas of Aldinga/Sellicks Beach, Willunga and McLaren Vale.

How do I register my child for admission?

A College Prospectus can be obtained by completing an online form or contacting the school on (08) 8392 9449 or  [email protected].

Applications for enrolment should be received by the College no later than the end of Term 1 of the year that your child is in Year 5 for entry in Year 7.

To register a prospective student for entry to Cardijn, applications can be completed online by visiting

A non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged per enrolment.

To complete your application please ensure you have the following available:

  • A copy of the birth certificate (or extract) (or current passport) 
  • Latest school report
  • Copies of any national test results (eg NAPLAN) where available
  • Baptismal certificate
  • Any Court Order, Parenting Plan or related information affecting your child
  • Documentation relating to special needs (any reports, action plans, assessments, etc)
  • Copy of support/reference letter from your current school principal/teacher or Parish Priest (not required for students attending Catholic primary schools)
R – 9



At Cardijn College Galilee in Aldinga, we offer education from Reception to Year 9, creating a nurturing environment where each student feels a unique sense of belonging. This campus is known for its focus on ecological awareness and community involvement.

7 – 12



Cardijn College Marian, located in Noarlunga Downs, educates students from Years 7 to 12. It is celebrated for its comprehensive curriculum and vibrant extra-curricular program that caters to a diverse student body, providing varied learning pathways that meet individual needs and aspirations.

10 – 12



Cardijn College Marcellin in Christie Downs is focused on providing extensive vocational education and training opportunities for students in Years 10 to 12 and beyond. Our strong industry partnerships help extend relationships into our students’ future careers, offering real-world experiences that are second to none.